Educate your Market with


Tuesday, December 4 2018 1:00pm (America/Chicago) is a brand new website created by SBCA to help educate anyone in your market unfamiliar with the benefits of components. The website offers specific information for targeted groups about the unique attributes of and reasons to use trusses, panels, and subcomponents. Join SBCA staff and SBCA marketing committee member, Jess Lohse, President of Rocky Mountain Truss, to learn more about the new website and how you can use it to promote components within your market.


Jess Lohse is president of Rocky Mountain Truss in Havre, Montana. He was SBCA President in 2016 and served as marketing committee chair prior to that. TJ Jerke and Laura Soderlund of SBCA staff were integral in the development of the Best Way to Frame website and its ongoing initiative.