BCMC | FS Golf Outing - Purchase Mulligans

Purchase mulligans for the golf outing during BCMC | FS.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023
8:00 AM - 3:00 PM (EDT)
Category: Building Component Manufacturers Conference

Purchase mulligans below for the golf outing during BCMC | FS.  Registration for the golf outing is hosted on the BCMC | FS website and closes on 9/14.

Purchase Mulligans

Golf Outing Details

Golfers will board the bus at 8a to the Fort Golf Course in Indianapolis, Indiana. The outing will tee-off with a shotgun start at 9:30 and will include a light lunch during the outing.

For More Information:

Talia Zanotelli

Talia Zanotelli

Membership Coordinator, Structural Building Components Association