About Us
The Structural Building Components Association (SBCA) is the only international trade association that represents the manufacturers and installers of off-site structural framing elements including roof trusses, wall panels, and floor trusses.
About Components
Metal plate-connected wood roof trusses, floor trusses, and wall panels are the most widely used off-site framing products in residential and light-commercial projects throughout North America. There simply isn't a better way to frame a building!
SBCA Foundation & Endowment
The SBCA Foundation is a great way for everyone in our industry to channel charitable resources back into our communities. The Foundation’s mission is, “Giving back to our community through philanthropic avenues to improve housing-related opportunities for the disadvantaged.”
The Building Component Manufacturers Conference (BCMC) is the trusted venue for structural building component manufacturers to learn about the latest trends, cutting-edge technologies, and ideas that are transforming their industry. This annual tradeshow includes a dynamic exhibit floor with live machinery demonstrations, multiple peer-led educational opportunities, and the chance to network and enjoy the camaraderie of an industry that spans generations.
Framer Summit at BCMC, hosted by the National Framers Council (NFC), brings framers and their component manufacturer partners together to build relationships and explore the latest developments their supply chain has to offer to make the framing process more efficient and profitable. This event is punctuated by valuable networking events, education sessions, and exhibit space.
Member Spotlight
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