Safety Committee

Mission Statement

The committee will promote knowledge sharing and expertise among SBCA members in matters specific to safety in component plants, offer direction to address in-plant safety issues, serve as a resource for updates to the SBCA Operation Safety program, and explore best practices for in-plant safety, and if necessary, create draft policy or recommendations for consideration by the Management Committee and the Board of Directors.

Join the Safety Committee


  • Luke Wiesen

    Luke Wiesen

    General Manager, Truss Craft - Nebraska


  • Mike Boswell

    Production Manager, Plum Building Systems, LLC - Osceola

  • Jackie Crutcher

    Division Manager, Wilson Lumber - Westmoreland

  • Anthony Duel

    Quality Control & Safety Specialist, Builders FirstSource - Wadena

  • John Faske

    Plant Manager, Texas Building Supply - Houston

  • Jason Fetterley P.E

    Forensic Engineer, Nederveld, Inc

  • Howard E Gauger

    Howard E Gauger

    Vice President of Component Design R & D Thiel/CCA-IL, Carpenter Contractors of America - Belvidere

  • Robert Harrison

    Safety Coordinator, True House Inc. - Jacksonville, Alta Drive

  • Richard Langton

    Regional Vice President, Bowermaster & Associates

  • John Moore

    Regional Safety and Lean Coordinator, Franklin Building Supply - Jerome, 602 W Main

  • Chad Pagels

    Regional Continuous Improvement Manager, Zeeland/Standard Wyoming Truss

  • Richard P Parrino

    General Manager, Gilcrest/Jewett - Waukee

  • Brian Reid

    Shop Supervisor, Wood Tech, Inc.

  • Wendall Whitaker

    Production Manager, Big C Lumber Structural Building Components

  • Javan L Yoder

    Javan L Yoder

    Exec. VP, Stark Truss Company, Inc. - Canton 1

  • Molly Butz

    Molly Butz

    Managing Director, Structural Building Components Association
