Jobsite Packages

Members: $290 (Qty. 50) = $5.80 each
Non-Members: $825 (Qty. 50) = $16.50 each
SAVINGS OF: $535 (Qty. 50) = $10.70 each

Savings on 100 Jobsite Packages with Member discount = Free membership

*dependent upon where company falls on dues scale.

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What is a Jobsite Package?

Jobsite Packages allow component manufacturers to provide their customers with important installation and safety information with every jobsite delivery. 

jobsite package documents

These jobsite packages can be purchased on the SBCA Store.
  • Jobsite PackageIncludes Cover Sheet, Component Warning Notice, Information for Framers Flyer, SRRHIBChecklist and BCSI Summary Sheets B1, B2, B3, B4, and B11. Each jobsite package is bagged separately. Includes English/Spanish. 
  • Floor Truss Jobsite PackageIncludes Cover Sheet, SRRHIBChecklist, BCSI Summary Sheets B7 on Handling, Installing, and Bracing 3x2 and 4x2 Parallel Chord Trusses, and B11. Includes English/Spanish.
  • Long Span Jobsite Package: The Long Span Jobsite package helps component manufacturers fulfill their duty to educate and warn customers who will be installing long span trusses (which are greater than 60' in length). Includes Cover Sheet, Information for Framers Flyer, SRR Long Span Truss Installation, SRRHIBChecklist, and BCSI Summary Sheets B1, B2, B3, B4, B10, and B11. Includes English/Spanish. 
  • Wall Panel Jobsite Package: Includes Wall Panel Cover Sheet, SRR-Wall Panel and Hoisting Strap Inspection and Use Requirements, SRR - Building with Wall Panels, Guide for Handling, Installing & Temporary Bracing of Wall Panels (11"x17") and BCSI Summary Sheet B11. Includes English/Spanish.
  • Canadian Jobsite Package: Includes Cover Sheet, SRRHIBChecklist and BCSI Summary Sheets B1, B2, B3, B4, and B11. Each jobsite package is bagged separately. Includes English and French for use in Canada.
  • Cold-Formed Steel Jobsite Package: A critical tool in helping component manufacturers provide important installation and safety information, this package is perfect for including with every delivery. It includes a Jobsite Cover Sheet, Checklist for Handling and Installing Trusses, CFSB1, CFSB2, CFSB3, CFSB4, and CFSB11, all packed in a zippered plastic bag to keep all jobsite documents clean and dry. Includes English/Spanish.

Electronic Jobsite Packages

These economical packages of key SBCA documents are available for distribution in a job-specific and electronic format.

Using SBCAdocs, quickly and easily create a digital document for a specific job, include it with truss design drawings and other project-specific materials, print it yourself and/or email it to everyone involved in the project. This ensures the key information is delivered to your customer and CMs have fulfilled your duty to warn.

Currently, the following five pre-defined Jobsite Packages are available as digital documents:

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