SBCA Education Program

SBCA Education is designed to give you a flexible, personalized learning experience that deepens your understanding of the component manufacturing industry. Blue educational offerings are independent modules that cover a specific topic building targeted knowledge. Green Education Pathways functions similarly to a course, but they have a broader connection as they guide you through a progression of modules that cover multiple aspects of the industry for a more comprehensive experience. Unlike standalone modules, pathways provide a broader, more connected understanding of key industry topics. Pathways can build on one another, allowing learners to progress from one pathway to the next to developing a well-rounded industry knowledge base. 

Whether you choose to complete individual modules or work through a full pathway, this page is your starting point for expanding your industry knowledge at your own pace. 

Some of the Free Education programs offered are: 

Component Industry Introduction (previously TMO)

Truss Manufacturing Orientation (TMO) is an introductory training course for anyone with little or no truss industry experience. The program provides an excellent grounding in the industry with 10 units of material that can be reviewed at any pace.

A wide variety of topics on design, manufacturing and installation are presented, along with streaming videos, articles and access to numerous industry documents. Novice truss technicians, salespeople, estimators, administrative staff, suppliers and construction industry professionals will benefit from this introduction to the structural building components industry.

Technical Assessment Test Online (TATO) I & II

TATO logo


Use TATO to determine if job candidates or current employees have the technical aptitude and skills required to succeed in the structural building components industry. It is not necessary for candidates to have any experience in construction or the truss industry in order to take the test.

Math and 3D visual skills are key in the truss industry. TATO1 helps hiring managers identify which sales, design and production personnel possess these skills.

TATO interactive online tests present a series of 50 questions in multiple choice or fill-in-the blank formats. The participant should have access to only the test, a paper and a pencil. Once the participant completes the test, usually after about an hour, the manager will receive results on which questions were answered correctly. 


TATO2 is an advanced truss industry specific test to determine a truss technician's level of knowledge and ability. It is a useful tool for taking inventory of design department skills, and helps clarify training priorities for individuals, as well as the entire design office.

TATO2 covers more advanced material from the Truss Technician Training (TTT) programs and should give managers a sense for whether or not a technician is ready for TTT. SBCA originally developed TATO2 at the request of truss design software companies in order to maximize software training time of incoming students.

Sign up a Candidate for TATO