Chapter Information

Local chapters provide the opportunity for everyone associated with the structural component industry to participate and shape the future of the industry. From sharing ideas at the local level to bringing these ideas together at the national level, members serve as the catalyst for a strong, unified, prosperous industry.


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Alabama • Arizona • California • Colorado • Connecticut • Delaware (north) / Delaware • District of Columbia • Florida (central) / Florida (west) • GeorgiaIdahoIllinoisIndianaIowaLouisianaMaineMaryland (north)MarylandMassachusettsMichiganMinnesota MississippiMissouriMontanaNew HampshireNew JerseyNew YorkNorth CarolinaOhioOregonPennsylvaniaRhode IslandSouth CarolinaTexasVermontVirginiaWashington (south)WashingtonWisconsin


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Chapter Benefits & Goals

The benefits of working collectively through a chapter are apparent. A group of people working together to promote a common interest will produce results more effectively than individuals working separately since there is no duplication of effort. A unified group has more clout than individuals acting alone.

The following are examples of goals more easily achieved by a chapter than by individual companies. Since the association is viewed as an independent entity with no proprietary interest and no strong product sales bias, it is easier to:

  • Provide education on the features and benefits of structural building components to contractors, architects and engineers as we expand the market for our products.
  • Educate local building officials on proper use, features and benefits of components.
  • Undertake joint education projects with other industries to lead to better understandings between groups.
  • Provide plant tours for building officials, fire service personnel, architects/engineers, elected officials and students along with others involved in our industry.
  • Provide new promotional materials with consistent messages, warnings and application information to the marketplace while keeping a reasonable production cost.
  • Work with local technical schools, community colleges and universities and provide educational materials.

For more information about chapter involvement and to learn more about future meetings, reach out to the chapter or contact us.


SBCA chapter publications cooperatives allow chapter members to purchase SBCA products and publications and the chapter receives a rebate to support chapter indicatives.