Website, Member Compass, and Event Registration

SBCA Magazine,

The Structural Building Components Association (SBCA) has a new online home. Its new website offers several benefits to association members and non-members alike. Most importantly, it makes accessing all of SBCA’s tools, resources, information, and events faster and easier.

Association Management

In March 2021, SBCA transitioned to a new association management software (AMS) called Novi, allowing SBCA to move data and functionality that has traditionally been spread over several websites into one location. This consolidation means everything is easier to find, and downloading or purchasing a product or service is more straightforward. Members also have a vastly improved ability to manage their company and individual profile on the new website through the new Member Compass.

Member Compass

The Member Compass helps everyone get the most of their SBCA member benefits. When users log into the website, they will be redirected to their Member Compass. This webpage provides account information about the individual and allows them to correct or update details directly to SBCA’s member database. In addition to viewing their membership status, users can get detailed information in a list of the tabs including registrations for upcoming events, outstanding invoices and payment information, as well as the latest information published through SBCA Media (see page 26).

If a user is a primary contact, billing contact, or has been granted management access for their company, that individual is able to update company information in SBCA’s database from the Member Compass page, including adding staff contact information and populating custom fields.

Event Registration

SBCA's in-person events are one of the most valuable investments CMs can make both from the perspective of return on investment (ROI) and industry-specific best practice development. Given their focus on open dialogue and social interaction, the relationship-building opportunities at each SBCA event are unparalleled. Fortunately, through SBCA’s new website it is easier than ever to plan and register for events.

Whether it’s an SBCA open quarterly meeting (OQM), BCMC, a regional workshop, a chapter meeting, an NFC summit, or a golf outing or baseball game, anyone can register for an event through the website. By logging in, a member’s registration form is automatically filled out and all they have to do is verify the details and submit the form. There’s also a feature to automatically add the event to a work or personal calendar.

If you are planning an industry event, you can also use SBCA’s website to promote it through the association’s event calendar and automate registration for attendees. Simply submit the event through the website to start the process (, and SBCA staff will provide professional assistance to ensure your event is a success.