Lumber Connection

This SBCA podcast focuses on the latest trends in North American lumber markets. Each week, experts in the lumber industry will provide insight into the latest trends and provide timely commentary on the many factors impacting the supply and demand of the lumber used in structural components. Their commentary and analysis will be focused on the lumber species and grades most commonly used in the component manufacturing industry and will provide information you may find helpful in making your next lumber purchase.

We hope you enjoy this podcast. We welcome your feedback and encourage you to submit your questions regarding the lumber market. Our guests will attempt to answer your questions in subsequent podcasts.

Disclaimer: The Mission Statement of SBCA includes providing SBCA members with knowledge to enable them to operate successful companies offering competitive advantages where applicable. SBCA believes supply chain information is exactly the type of information that SBCA should therefore be providing its membership. The information and discussion in this podcast is not intended to reduce competition among existing firms or to prevent new firms from entering the supply of materials to the component manufacturing industry. Information presented here is furthermore for discussion and illustrative purposes only and is neither a recommendation nor an offer to buy and sell any commodities. The views and opinions expressed in this podcast by speakers are their own as of the time of the recording and do not reflect the views, opinions, policies, recommendations, or position of SBCA. Any such views are subject to change at any time, based upon market or other conditions, and SBCA disclaims any responsibility to update such views. These views should not be relied on to make purchasing decisions. Neither SBCA nor the speakers are to be held responsible for any direct or incidental loss incurred by applying any of the information included in this podcast.


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Buyers continue to purchase lumber as needed, but order files appear to be getting farther out as wildfire and hurricane seasons begin.

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Buyers appear to be building and/or refilling inventory in the past week, creating a bit more competition for certain sizes and lengths.

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As buyers continue to keep inventories low, both guests say there is plenty of activity in the market and deals take some effort to find.

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Buyers continue to keep things close to the vest, keeping low inventories.

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Buyer inventories remain low and housing starts are strong, but production appears to be doing a good job keeping up with supply.

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The market remains robust as the construction industry enters its peak months.

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Springtime purchasing is underway, with component manufacturers being very active in filling inventory for the next 90 days.

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Shipments are increasing out of Canada, easing some supply constraints, but inventories remain low while demand stays strong.

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Ken Timmins and Jeff Hoggard address volatility beginning to edge into the market and transportation issues that continue to plague Canada and the...

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Justin Binning and Ken Timmins talk about how global uncertainty makes forecasting particularly difficult, but the market remains strong with a...

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Both Justin Binning and Ken Timmins agree the market will likely continue upward over the next 90 days, though likely not along a smooth curve.

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Ken and Justin remark the market is replicating the 2021 cycle, particularly as strong demand picks up as buyers prepare for the spring build season.

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