SBCA Staff Spotlight: Molly Butz

Industry News,

Originally Published by: SBCA Magazine — May 14, 2024
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Molly Butz

Molly Butz, SBCA’s Managing Director, is definitely a name SBCA members will recognize. Molly has been with SBCA since 2003, serving the organization for the better part of twenty years. Molly is an integral part of the team and has been from day one, helping to grow and drive the association forward through the successes, and growing pains, of the association. 

In her role as Managing Director, Molly is responsible for overseeing association operations and day-to-day activities, maintaining relationships with members, stakeholders, and industry players, and managing various staff and their projects. Molly has spearheaded the implementation of several new technologies and programs the association uses and relies on each day, showcasing the many talents she possesses with her expansive skillset and knowledge in the industry, various software, and graphic design. From Digital QC and the membership database to FrameSAFE and the Strategic Plan, Molly is excellently driving these efforts forward, ensuring SBCA and NFC membership benefits and services provide maximum value.  

With many of the major conversions to new software and processes behind us, for now, Molly looks forward to spending more time working with the team and their projects, coaching and mentoring along the way, and bringing innovation to the way we work every day. One project that Molly is specifically proud of is the newly updated Wage & Benefit Survey and Financial Performance Survey. Both are incredibly valuable to the industry, and in making these surveys more approachable it has garnered significant increases in participation, providing even more benefit to the association’s members.  

One of Molly’s greatest passions is people, and that includes the SBCA team and SBCA members. She often times states just how much she loves her job and how incredibly fortunate she is to work with such a talented, driven group of people day in and day out. “Molly is a consummate people person; she loves to get to know people and figure out how to best help them,” says Sean Shields, SBCA’s Director of Marketing. “Our association has really benefited from her talents and dedication. It has been an honor and a pleasure to have worked alongside her for so long!” 

Molly is extremely hard-working, detailed, thoughtful, driven, and passionate – each of these attributes contributing to her achievements as managing director. “Molly’s passion for SBCA members is unmatched as she diligently works on member facing projects as well as behind the scenes infrastructure our association depends on,” says Jess Lohse, SBCA’s Executive Director. “I can always count on her to be on top of various tasks or to bring innovative ideas and software to the table. She is a great asset to this team and association, and I look forward to watching her continued progress.” 

Molly and her husband, Mike, reside in Illinois, where you can find Molly on the pickleball court (as often as possible), participating in her gym’s weekly open play. Interestingly, Molly used to be the drum major for her high school marching band and in college, belonged to an improv comedy troupe. In her free time, she enjoys paddleboarding, tennis, golf, photography, and spending tons of time with her family and friends. Molly can be reached at