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SBCA Executive Director, Jess Lohse, wishes a Happy Independence Day and discusses next week's Bellevue OQM schedule.

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The twin-peaked lumber bubble of 2021 and 2022 that once drove home building costs through the roof and exacerbated inflation is now nothing more...

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What does it say about the country’s leading home builders when they earn less housing-related revenue in 2023 than during the previous year but...

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The House is seeking budget cuts for OSHA and other workplace safety agencies, according to separate bills published on the website of the chamber’s...

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SBCA Executive Director, Jess Lohse, discusses the SBCA Foundation, upcoming Foundation dinner, and Supplier-Led Education Sessions at BCMC.

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Larry Dix II is the current President-Elect/Treasurer of the Structural Building Components Association (SBCA); this year marks his seventh year...

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SBCA Executive Director, Jess Lohse, talks about BCMC and the Bellevue OQM in Washington.

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It's not just the weather that's warm right now. Tune in to hear what's heating up in the lumber market!

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There’s always room for improvement.

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Summer may not officially start until June 20, but the heat is here.

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A Long Branch construction contractor with a history of ignoring federal fall safety standards has again been found exposing employees to...

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Federal workplace safety inspectors found an Illinois construction contractor — cited seven times since 2020 — again exposing employees doing...

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