Not Business as Usual
BCMC 2021 was full of networking opportunities, conversations on the latest innovations, education sessions full of best practices and good advice, and big events featuring big ideas and trends. Sprinkled throughout, there was also a lot of fun to be had. BCMC is a great excuse to get out of the office, away from the daily grind, and a chance to recharge and gain a different perspective. What better way to do that than engage in some friendly competition with CMs from different markets!
1. Casino night table games tested everyone’s poker face; 2. Ron and Derek Rindler, Rindler Truss, won the bean bag toss tournament.

3. Vlogger Dave Cooper conducted interviews in the SBCA booth.

4. All twelve of the education sessions were well attended; 5. Casino night was also a great place for good conversation.

6. The ribbon-cutting ceremony started another great show; 7. Roger Helgeson, The Truss Company, won the Lakeside Trailer giveaway.

8. A virtual batting cage on the show floor has a hit; 9. The Drive-A-Nail contest has become an annual fixture.

10. Scott Petersen, Millers Truss, won the Lakeside Trailer vacation giveaway; 11. Sam Garcia and Joseph Cranford, Sunpro, won the KanJam tournament.

12. The economic forecast provided great insight into 2022;

13. TopGolf was fun for golfers and non-golfers alike; 14. SBCA’s Top Chord Club dinner honored dedicated individuals.

15. Industry roundtables were packed with people and ideas; 16. Jon Schrock, Roof Tech Truss, won the SBCA Yeti cooler giveaway.