Consumer sentiment toward the housing market hit a near two-year high in January.
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Component manufacturers (CMs) do not simply purchase lumber for use in their products, but rather, they purchase and rely on the design values...
Read PostCriminals are becoming increasingly sophisticated in their methods for diverting business funds through fraudulent wire instructions.
Read PostWestcap Mgt. Ltd. is pleased to announce an investment in Timber-Tech Truss Limited Partnership completed by Westcap MBO III Investment LP, which is...
Read PostMortgage rates that hit more than a 20-year high, coupled with elevated construction costs and excessive regulatory costs, left housing...
Read PostLooking to network with peers and gain more knowledge in the evolving build-to-rent (BTR) sector, industry professionals, including owners,...
Read PostIn December, Margaret Whelan, founder and CEO of Whelan Advisory, projected 2024 to be a “record year” for merger and acquisition activity following...
Read PostThe U.S. Department of Commerce has signaled that it plans to raise tariffs later this year on imports of Canadian softwood lumber products from the...
Read PostLumber is on the move and the market feels solid as prices creep up slightly.
Read PostSBCA’s executive director, Jess Lohse, has been re-appointed to the Building Systems Councils’ Board of Trustees with the National Association of...
Read PostWhile the prevailing sentiment heading into 2023 was that the overall economy would move into a mild recession, the year was characterized by...
Read PostCentury Communities reaped the benefits of an increased level of home starts earlier in 2023 and continued improvements of cycle times in its fourth...
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