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Framing News Industry News Podcast : Building Connections Podcast : Component Connection Podcast : Lumber Connection SBCA Magazine SBCA Weekly Update Webinars

Attendance at the SBCA Open Quarterly Meetings continues to swell, and with the increase in participants so does the value these meetings offer to...

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Construction needs to find more workers, and there are no easy-to-fill jobs in the industry.

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Less than four months after citing a Trenton roofing contractor for exposing unprotected workers to deadly fall hazards, the U.S. Department of...

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OSHA inspected construction workplaces last fiscal year more than it inspected any other industry, an agency administrator told attendees during a...

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In Episode 35, the S+H team dives into the January issue’s feature story on adoption and acceptance of safety technology.

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Safety leaders receive a myriad of technical training for their roles, but two crucial components of leadership—how to make confident decisions and...

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A modest drop in interest rates helped to end a string of monthly declines in builder confidence levels, although sentiment remains in bearish...

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Led by a decline in multifamily production, overall housing starts decreased 1.4% to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 1.38 million units in...

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Construction materials prices declined in December amid easing inflation.

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In May of last year, Eye on Housing reported on historically widespread shortages of building materials.

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When a deal moves to closing, there’s always a flurry of activity on multiple fronts.

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The Department of Housing and Urban Development has announced it is proposing a new Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) rule.

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