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“I know it sounds weird, but we really need to enjoy this season we are going through right now, because it isn’t going to last forever,” says Scott...

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Bellbottoms. Mullets. Lime-green shag carpet. Some things are just meant to be discarded, either because they’ve served their usefulness or a better...

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The U.S. House of Representatives approved NAHB-supported legislation that would strengthen the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA)...

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The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration is initiating an enforcement program that identifies employers who...

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According to the 2022 Obstacles to Home Buying report, issued by the National Association of Realtors (NAR) in partnership with Morning Consult,...

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According to the latest Producer Price Index (PPI) report released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the prices of goods used in residential...

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Falls are the leading cause of death for construction workers, accounting for 320 of the 1,008 construction fatalities recorded in 2018 according to...

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Compared to a year ago, average hourly earnings for residential building workers continue to rise, as the construction labor market remains tight.

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The Construction Industry Safety Coalition (CISC), of which the National Framers Council is a signatory member, provided the following March updates...

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Construction is the largest industry in the global economy, accounting for 13% of the world’s GDP.

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While the U.S. economy added 431,000 jobs in March, construction industry employment totaled 7.6 million jobs and has returned to its pre-pandemic...

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NAHB today expressed strong support for Rep. Bruce Westerman’s (R-Ark.) “No Timber from Tyrants Act.”

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